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Available Games

Primary-secondary transitions
This is a quiz based on some research results and tests your understanding of the degree of importance of each aspect for facilitating successful transitions. (DJS)
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Transitions to university
Find your way around the University of Dundee campus.
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Learning theory timeline
How well do you know the timeline of learning theory? can you put these theorists and their theories in the correct chronological order?
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Collect Words: Critical Reflection
Critical reflection involves thinking about and questioning your assumptions about your own professional practice. (H.Booth)
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Memory Game: Accessibility
The purpose of this game is memorise the locations of the cards. The theme is based on a glossary of accessibility terms. (H.Booth)
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Research ethics
This quiz will check your understanding of research ethics. (DJS)
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Statistical Match 1 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 2 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 3 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 4 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 5 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 6 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 7 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 8 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 9 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 10 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 11 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 12 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 13 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 14 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 15 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 16 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 17 (WSEI)
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Determination of materials behavior (UPIT)
Knowing the mechanicals properties: hardness, resilience, resistance at traction, elongation select what are technological properties
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-Vehicles manufacturing (UPIT)
The game will help students to learn more about the manufacturing process of a vehicle
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Solving crisis situations (UPIT)
The game will help students to learn more about identifying and resolving crisis situations that may occur within a company.
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Construction of materials (UPIT)
- visualize crystal and molecular structures - build any kind of crystal or molecular structure
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Solutions for quality problems (UPIT)
The game will help students to learn more about identifying and solving quality problems that may occur in the manufacturing process.
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The Competence Matching Game - UPB4
Match the skills to the right competences
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Master of Constructivism - UPB5
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Beware of the Design Traps - UPB9
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Leader versus Manager
The aim of this serious game is to deepen the differences between leadership and management within an organization. This serious game is edited by Alexandru Dan TOMA from the University of Pitesti, Romania.
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Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs
The aim of this game is to arrange human needs in the ascending order of their importance, as in the Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow. This serious game is edited by Alexandru Dan TOMA from the University of Pitesti, Romania.
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Responde la opción correcta - UDIMA ESP
10 preguntas variadas sobre Tecnologías de la Información, ¿cuántas podrás acertar?
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Maslow's Pyramid of Human Needs
The aim of this game is to arrange human needs in the ascending order of their importance, as in the Hierarchy of Needs by Abraham Maslow. This serious game is edited by Alexandru Dan TOMA from the University of Pitesti, Romania
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Herramientas y aplicaciones - UDIMA ESP
Diferencia y afianza conceptos sobre Doodle, Trello y Google Drive. Todas ellas son herramientas de la Unidad 4 del manual. ¿Enviarás cada concepto a la herramienta correcta?
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Characteristics of the photon
The aim of this game is to realize the correspondence between the paired cards displaying respectively the characteristics of the photon and their formulas. This serious game is edited by Alexandru Dan TOMA from the University of Pitesti, Romania.
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Undulating nature of microparticles
The aim of this game is to identify the paired cards displaying respectively the notions defining the undulating nature of microparticles and their formulas. This game is edited by Alexandru Dan TOMA from the University of Pitesti, Romania.
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Corpuscular nature of light
The aim of this game is to identify the paired cards displaying respectively the notions defining the corpuscular nature of light and their formulas. This serious game is edited by Alexandru Dan TOMA from the University of Pitesti, Romania.
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Types of Energy
The aim of this serious game is to realize the correspondence between the proposed phenomenon and one of the four specified types of energy. This serious game is edited by Alexandru Dan TOMA from the University of Pitesti.
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Statistical Match 18 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 19 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 20 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 21 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 22 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 23 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 24 (WSEI)
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Statistical Match 25 (WSEI)
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